Simple VBBE Brick by Sufinizam
Today a new shell mod was added to Thingiverse called Simple VBBE Brick. This mod is by Sufinizam the creator has made this mod super easy. The mod is 2 3D printed parts and 4 tamiya screws 9mm in height. The great part of this shell mod is you don’t have to take the Vital bracelet apart. I know some users really don’t feel comfortable in doing that. So this shell will be for you. I would advise putting a reflective sticker on the back shell in front of the heart sensor so you can trick the heart sensor. This plus movement will let you gain vitals normally. This method also works for all shell mods.
It’s great to see people releasing new shell mods for the vital bracelet. This shell mod has been added to the VB Mods page on our site there you can find the direct link to the developers Thingiverse upload. Make sure to like it while you are there to show some appreciation to the developer.