
Interview with DigiDestined Colin K. Bass

Hey! Digimon! Have you ever wondered what a live action Digimon series would look like? Well, wonder no more because Anime Fire has got you covered with the youtube series “Digidestined.” I got the chance to talk with actor/filmmaker/writer Colin K. Bass and get his thoughts on Digimon, the series and it’s future. Check out the interview down below to get all the latest insights straight from the Digital World!

First off, it’s the question every Digimon fan gets asked, who would be your Digimon partner and why?

CB : Veemon is my #1 choice! I’ve always been caught in between Courage and Friendship as my crest of choice, so the fact that he can do both always made him my favorite.

As a lead writer for the “Digidestined” series, What makes a good digimon story in your opinion?

CB : I think what I love about each season of Digimon is that there is always something new. Not just new characters, but new Digivolutions, powers, worlds, etc. So for DigiDestined, I wanted to create something new. Which is where the “Digital Multiverse” came from. But I also created it so I could combine my favorite seasons. Haha!

I know you’ve mentioned before that you grew up watching Digimon, Who was your favorite or least favorite Digimon growing up?

CB : I don’t want to upset anyone… but I always disliked Togemon. A cactus with boxing gloves just isn’t my style. haha! And I remember loving Angemon a lot. I was always buying every version of his toys. (This was before season 2 came out)

When watching episode 1, I really enjoyed the multiverse angle you took with it and the attention to detail your team had for the Digimon series, What was your favorite part or aspect of “Digidestined” episode 1?

CB : Being co-stars with these legends from my childhood is one of my favorite parts for sure. It’s so cool knowing that Davis, Takato and Wargreymon are IN an episode I wrote. But there’s something about seeing myself on screen with Agumon… that was a dream come true.

In episode 1, we were treated to some amazing cameos by series icons such as Lex Lang, Brian Donovan and Brian Beacock, can Digimon fans expect even more easter eggs and cameos in episode 2? 

CB : YES! I have locked down two returning voice actors and I will always try to bring more in. It’s so much fun showing them episode 1 and winning them over.

There was a lot to be excited about with episode 1 and the positive reaction it got from the Digimon community, What are you most excited for about episode 2?

CB : More fight scenes! Episode 1 was a big set up episode, but I want some Digimon attacks! Our VFX artist encouraged me to write some in.

I can speak for myself in saying that I was super hyped for “Digidestined” episode 1 when I first heard about it because it gave me hope that Digimon was finally getting the recognition it’s deserved for all these years, with that in mind, what do you and your team hope to accomplish with the “Digidestined” series?

CB : I honestly just love making content that 1. Hasn’t been done before and 2. I would want to watch. But on a deeper level, I hope it inspires people to get out there and be creative. 

Lastly, if you could have your own personal Digidestined crest, what would it be and why?

CB : I think I would stick with Courage! I spent a lot of my life very afraid of what people thought of me. Wasted years not doing what I loved. Once I had the courage to start acting and writing, I really started to enjoy life.

In closing, do you have any news, words of wisdom or anything you’d like to say to your fellow “Digidestined” out there?

CB : Support what you love. Don’t bash what you hate. There’s too much negativity in the world. Try to be a light in all of this darkness. 

CB : And also… REP DIGIMON! It deserves way more love, recognition and…well…merch! haha.

All of us at HeyDigimon would like to give a sincere thank you to Colin for taking the time for this interview and for giving us a behind the scenes glimpse into the “Digidestined” series and what goes into making a project like this. 

Be sure to check out Colin and the rest of the Anime Fire team as they not only battle to save the Digital World but explore many other fan-favorite shows and animes such as Power Rangers and DragonBall.

“Digidestined” Episode 1 is out now on YouTube from AnimeFireOfficial, link provided below. Episode 2 will be releasing soon so there’s no better time to check it out

Until next time, I’ll see you all in the Digital World! 

-Ryan Pollock aka DigimonTamer

DigiDestined YouTube channel