
HeyDigimon Digital Gate Is Now Open!

With us starting the site we have finally got the layout the way we want it. We are happy to say the site is now out of the Alpha stages! We thank you all for any support and feedback you have given us. We will continue to grow and improve the site however we can. With that we would like to say the HeyDigimon Digital Gate Is Now Open! If you would like to be apart of the team in any way please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the team members. We are always looking for members. Just a idea of what we are looking for is anyone that can read or write Digimon related articles. We would also love to have someone with some knowledge in PHP and development experience. We have some future projects planned that will help preserve the Vital Bracelet long after Bandai drop’s support for them.

So please if you are interested reach out!