
Vital Bracelet BE Heart Sensor Mod

I’d like to begin this post by acknowledging that this mod originates from a Discord group. I won’t provide direct links to the files here, but I’ll guide you to the Discord channel where you can access them. My intention is to give full credit to the developer and ensure that you have the best support available within the Discord community if you encounter any issues.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a modification for my BE, transforming it into the D3 shell. Initially, I used a reflective sticker to bypass the heart sensor, which worked well for this mod. However, I recently discovered a mod that completely bypasses the heart sensor, and it’s compatible with Cyanic’s Rollup CFW. Applying this mod is as straightforward as installing Cyanic’s CFW, and I’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1. Cyanic’s Rollup files

2. The heart sensor mod kurozatou_hrmod_20A 2

3. The most recent firmware for the Vital Bracelet BE

4. A micro SD card

Once you have all these prerequisites ready, you can begin the modding process:

1. Place the “VBBE_99F.vb2” firmware file in the ROOT directory of the SD card.

2. Power off the Vital Bracelet, insert the SD card, and connect the Vital Bracelet to power.

3. Hold down the bottom button on the Vital Bracelet.

4. When the process is complete, you’ll see an E02 error on the device.

Now, it’s time to mod the firmware:

1. Run the “Patch.cmd” file from Cyanic’s mod Rollup. You’ll notice a timestamp change on the firmware file. Run this file only once to avoid corrupting the firmware.

2. Next, run the “kurozatou_hrmod_20A.cmd” file, which will again update the firmware’s timestamp. Remember to run these .cmd files just once.

3. Delete the “VBBE_99F.vb2” file from the SD card and replace it with “VBBE_10B.vb2.”

4. Repeat the earlier steps with the SD card and Vital Bracelet powered off and connected from the power cord while holding the bottom button.

5. Once done, your Vital Bracelet should instruct you to remove the SD card and boot up as usual.

With these steps completed, your Vital Bracelet should no longer rely on the heart sensor and instead function solely based on steps. This is an excellent mod for those who have removed the Vital Bracelet from its original shell.

A couple of things to note: Initially, I had to reboot my device because the training wasn’t functioning correctly, but this only happened once in my experience.

You can find the necessary files in the “be-mods-and-firmware” section of the CIM/CBM Community Discord. If you need Cyanic’s rollup mod it can be found in the Digitama Hatchery Discord. Please remember you do this mod at your own risk and we HeyDigimon or myself Digiv0lution take no responsibility if anything damages come to your device.